A golden opportunity for your trading.

A safe-haven asset and reliable store of value, gold has been investors’ go-to during times of economic instability and political upheaval. Tap into its potential through our Gold (XAU) trading, ETFs and Themes Trading Certificates – all with the Swissquote edge.

gold bullion
Your advantages
Gold (XAU)
Gold - Bullion - XAU

Trade gold online but have it physically backed: the most direct route to that trading sweet spot where boosting your take profit levels and avoiding unnecessary risk brush elbows. Swissquote offers every perk to do so with longstanding success in sight:

  • Your digital XAU positions are backed by physical gold in the form of bars held in high-security vaults in Switzerland*
  • Participate in the performance of gold without having to acquire ownership of the physical metal
  • Low management costs and easy trading of XAU positions against any currency available on your Swissquote account
  • Depositor protection of up to CHF 100’000 per client 
  • Trade any quantity of XAU - even fractions of an ounce down to 0.01 ounce.

*Note that XAU positions cannot be retrieved physically

Gold and other precious metals pricing


Trade onlineHolding costs*Commission (Spread)**
XAU (Gold, quality 995)0.2%1%


Trade by phone***Holding costs*Commission (Spread)**
XAU (Gold, quality 995) 0.2%1%0.5%0.3%
XAG (Silver) 0.25%
XPD (Palladium)
XPT (Platinium)

*Holding costs are charged once a year, pro-rata temporis.

**The commission is already included as spread in the price upon buying.

***To trade these precious metals, please call us at +41 44 825 88 88

Gold ETFs
Product Gold Page - Screenshot - ETFs

The diversifying and risk-management qualities of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) can make the ideal trading blend with gold’s hot opportunities. Investors looking to hedge their portfolios while capitalising on the precious metal will find added variety, reduced costs and high liquidity in Swissquote’s ETFs.

Gold‑focused Themes Trading

Our trading experts have done the heavy lifting for you when it comes to investing in gold. Swissquote’s Themes Trading Certificates gather reliable, potential‑packed companies and positions aiming to lower volatility, invest in gold‑related activities likely to rally and achieve returns that are expected to outshine the profit generated by any other portfolio holding the same gold allocation.

The most malleable of metals makes the most solid of portfolios

It’s not one of the oldest investment assets for nothing. Gold is packed with return opportunities and a myriad of hedging properties worth having investors flocking to it whenever markets get spooky. Here’s why:

man skateboarding
Open your account in 3 simple steps
Choose your account type

Visit our Open Your Account page and choose between a Swissquote Global Account or a Forex & CFDs Account

Provide your ID document

Make sure to have an ID document at hand (passport, ID card), as well as a proof of residence no older than 6 months 

Add funds

Transfer the amount of your choice to your new account and start your upgraded financial journey!

Made in Swissquote

Harness your future-telling skills with Thematic Trading, enjoy the multiplicity of over 90’000 leveraged products with Swiss DOTS or jump into Barrier Reverse Convertibles with Yield Boosters.