Young smiling man on his phone


Earn rewards for you and your friends. 

Recommend Swissquote and earn cash bonuses up to CHF 800 per referral* for each Swissquote Forex & CFDs Account opened. Just follow the simple steps below.

How to be a sponsor

Just log into your eBanking to obtain your sponsor number, then share it with your friends.

1. Go to “My account > Profile”

To find your sponsor number

Referral code on the platform
2. Click on the link below to send it to your friend via our email template
3. Add your sponsor number to the email template

Sign and send it to your friends

Gift boxes floatting
Referral code on the platform3d enveloppe floattingGift boxes floatting
What to do if you have been sponsored

To ensure that both you and your sponsor receive your bonus, please follow the 3 steps below.

1. Open your account

Fill out the Account Opening Form.

Open your account
2. Enter sponsor code

Enter your friend’s sponsor number in the dedicated field.

3. Account funding

Fund your account with at least the minimum deposit (see table below) and make a trade.

Bank account
Open your accountPromo code location in the platformBank account
Your rewards

After the sponsored client funds their account, both the sponsor and the referred client will receive a bonus on their accounts proportional to the deposit, as detailed below.

Amount in CHFStandardPremiumPrimeVIP
Minimum deposit Referred Client5'00010'00050'000100'000
Bonus Referrer100200400800
Bonus Referred Client50100200400