Post-pandemic Recovery Certificate

A big sigh of relief is on the doorstep as the new anti-Corona vaccines are finally ready to be shipped and expected to contribute to the long awaited "return to normal" after the pandemic. Various indicators even suggest that 2021 will be an outstanding year for negatively impacted sectors, which are exactly in the spotlight of this certificate. Time to turbocharge your portfolio powered by a declining fear of Covid.

An "open" sign
Post-Pandemic Recovery

ISIN: CH0562388360

The distribution of a vaccine is the big game-changer in the Corona pandemic, allowing the world to realistically foresee a return to normality. So far, the rebound has been led by the technology, communication services and consumer sectors. However, this theme will invest in industries with the potential of an even more drastic recovery, such as Travel and Hospitality, Entertainment, Retail, Banking and Energy.


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