A smart way to follow the smart money. This certificate echoes the moves of legendary investors, allowing you to play along with these industry titans and leverage their wisdom for your own portfolio's growth.
ISIN: CH1236313198
This thematic portfolio is all about long-term value investing and draws inspiration from the holdings and transactions of investment companies whose names are closely related to some of the most successful investors. Grab your VIP pass to a concert inspired by the Big Four of smart money: Michael Burry, the maestro who anticipated the discordant notes of the 2008 financial crisis. Joel Greenblatt, the creator of the financial 'magic formula' who knows how to pick the right notes, buying good companies at bargain prices. Stanley Druckenmiller, with his keen ear for macroeconomic trends. And of course, Warren Buffet, the Oracle of Omaha, is our frontman, whose long-term value investing strategy has echoed throughout the world, making him one of the wealthiest and most respected investors.
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